View Basics Test- How Boats Sail
- Basic science questions on how boats sail
- Parts of a Sail
- Be able to name a part of a sail from an image
- Parts of a sailing Boat
- Be able to name a part of a boat from an image
- Points of Sail
- Identify the points of sail of vessels from the supplied images
- Relative Terms
- Identify the relative term from images
- Rules of the Road
- Understand the rules of the road when sailing and be able to identify which vessels have the right of way from a selection of images
- Tacks: Starboard vs Port
- Identify which tack boats are on from a selection of images
- Terminology
- Identify the meanings of different sailing terms
View Communication Test- Morse Code
- Identify the correct visual representation of a letter or numbers more code
- Phonetic Alphabet
- Phonetic Alphabet
- Semaphore Flags
- Identify semaphore letters and numbers from images
- Signal Flags
- Understand the letters represented by different signal flags
View Navigation Test- Buoys
- Combination of questions from all 6 buoys, direction of buoyage and IALA buoyage systems
- Cardinal Marks
- Ability to identify cardinal marks from their unique visual features
- Direction of Buoyage
- Understand and easily identify on charts the direction of buoyage
- Emergency Wreck Buoys
- Ability to identify emergency wreck buoys from their unique visual features
- IALA Buoyage Systems
- What are the buoyage systems and which countries use which one
- Isolated Danger Buoys
- Ability to identify isolated danger buoys from their unique visual features
- Lateral Marks
- Ability to identify lateral marks from their unique visual features
- Preferred Channel Markers
- Ability to identify preferred channel markers from their unique visual features
- Safe Water Markers
- Ability to identify safe water marks from their unique visual features
- Special Marks
- Ability to identify special marks from their unique visual features
View Weather Test- Beaufort Wind Scale
- Judge the wind speed from a visual description of the sea