Sailing Tests


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Here you can continue to test yourself on your sailing knowledge. Can you perfect each of the tests?

Full Test

View Full Test

The full test includes a selection of 20 questions from all other tests


View Basics Test
How Boats Sail
Basic science questions on how boats sail
Parts of a Sail
Be able to name a part of a sail from an image
Parts of a sailing Boat
Be able to name a part of a boat from an image
Points of Sail
Identify the points of sail of vessels from the supplied images
Relative Terms
Identify the relative term from images
Rules of the Road
Understand the rules of the road when sailing and be able to identify which vessels have the right of way from a selection of images
Tacks: Starboard vs Port
Identify which tack boats are on from a selection of images
Identify the meanings of different sailing terms


View Communication Test
Morse Code
Identify the correct visual representation of a letter or numbers more code
Phonetic Alphabet
Phonetic Alphabet
Semaphore Flags
Identify semaphore letters and numbers from images
Signal Flags
Understand the letters represented by different signal flags


View Navigation Test
Combination of questions from all 6 buoys, direction of buoyage and IALA buoyage systems
Cardinal Marks
Ability to identify cardinal marks from their unique visual features
Direction of Buoyage
Understand and easily identify on charts the direction of buoyage
Emergency Wreck Buoys
Ability to identify emergency wreck buoys from their unique visual features
IALA Buoyage Systems
What are the buoyage systems and which countries use which one
Isolated Danger Buoys
Ability to identify isolated danger buoys from their unique visual features
Lateral Marks
Ability to identify lateral marks from their unique visual features
Preferred Channel Markers
Ability to identify preferred channel markers from their unique visual features
Safe Water Markers
Ability to identify safe water marks from their unique visual features
Special Marks
Ability to identify special marks from their unique visual features


View Weather Test
Beaufort Wind Scale
Judge the wind speed from a visual description of the sea