Take Test: Rules of the Road


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Rules of the Road

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Understand the rules of the road when sailing and be able to identify which vessels have the right of way from a selection of images


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Which of the following vessels is the stand-on vessel?


Which of the following vessels is the stand-on vessel?


Which of the following vessels is the give-way vessel?


Which of the following vessels is the stand-on vessel?


To avoid a collision at sea between two sailing vessels on different tacks, which tack has the priority and thus is the stand-on vessel?

Question 1

Which of the following vessels is the stand-on vessel?

Question 1

Question 2

Which of the following vessels is the stand-on vessel?

Question 2

Question 3

Which of the following vessels is the give-way vessel?

Question 3

Question 4

Which of the following vessels is the stand-on vessel?

Question 4

Question 5

To avoid a collision at sea between two sailing vessels on different tacks, which tack has the priority and thus is the stand-on vessel?

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